Verity Spott is a poet and musician from Brighton. Verity has had poetry published in several journals, magazines and anthologies. Her work has been translated into Greek, Korean, Spanish, Czech and Portuguese. Verity’s books include “Effort to No”, “Dear Nothing and No One in it” (Iodine Press), “Balconette” (Veer Books), “Gideon” (Barque Press) and most recently a selection of essays / prosody called “Trans* Manifestos” (Shit Valley). Whereas “Gideon” was a very direct hex against the UK chancellor and gut pincer commonly called George Osborne, Verity’s Manifestos are attempts at destabilising the language of law, prescription and assumed “natural” order; a narrative of conscious terror, police violence, gender dysphoria and magical decay. Verity is also working on a long poem, which is a set of suites / lyrics aimed at entirely dismantling the private mental health sector. And if you don’t think that’s a good idea, well, you’re part of the problem, and you’d better fuck off.