

Alan Watts Puppet Alan Watts & the Future Zen Variety Show - Puppet Alan Watts is the first in the Future Zen Variety Show, an explosion of fabric cosmic thinkers, which include Tim Leary, William Burroughs and Diane Di Prima. “A guru or teacher who wants to get this across to somebody, because he knows it himself, and when you know it, you know, you want others … Continue reading Puppet Alan Watts & the Future Zen Variety Show
Mr Vast and the Vast Minority - “Jesus,  you’re not easy to describe, you know? Okay, let me think.. You’re like a Muppet version of a Philip K. Dick novel… A Mr Vast gig is similar to that moment when you realise you’ve been secretly filmed by Derren Brown for the last six weeks…One of my mates thought you were well dodgy … Continue reading Mr Vast and the Vast Minority
Circus of the Mind - Bob Prophette, the world’s foremost (and only) Metaphysical Bookmaker will be bringing his Circus of the Mind to delight the crowds at Festival 23. Circus of the Mind is a three ringed circus of feasts for your intellect and imagination featuring games and performances associated with Metaphysical Betting (anything unprovable but “true,” Bob is the … Continue reading Circus of the Mind
Cosmic Trigger Cabaret - We are so Very Freakin’ Happy that the very people who inspired and stirred up our 12 years of comfortable Discordianism by putting on a Play and Conferestival in November 2014 will be a High Light at our festival! Cast and crew from the ‘Cosmic Trigger Play’ and ‘Find the Others Conferestival’ will be holding … Continue reading Cosmic Trigger Cabaret

And more info coming soon on…

  • Circus of the Mind
  • Mr Vast