Adam Baker is an artist, mental health nurse, film maker, photographer/digital manipulator, occasional actor and former roller derby bench coach.
Currently working as a rehabilitation clinician in NSW, Australia, Adam has also worked in several acute inpatient settings both in the UK and Australia. At present Adam runs several art and music based groups in the Mental Health Rehabilitation Unit he works in and also runs a popular ‘Spirituality’ (soon to be renamed ‘Ideaspace’) group with the clients. This has become a space for free flowing ideas and discussion to emerge and the clients enjoy discussing and learning about a wide range of topics from Quantum Physics to Philosophy and so on.
Adam has also completed a BA Fine Art degree at the School of Art, Margaret St, Birmingham back in 2002. Alongside his work as a mental health nurse, Adam also creates videos for his Youtube channel with one video fast approaching a million views involving the catching of a Huntsman spider with the use of a Toblerone. Photoshop is another of Adams interests, having recently photoshopped ‘Putin fighting a kangaroo’ as explained in John Higgs’ latest book. This particular photoshop enabled Adam to meet John Higgs as well as the organisers of Festival 23 at a recent BLOOMING BUZZING CONFUSION event (with Alan Moore, Robin Ince, John Higgs and Grace Petrie).
Much of Adam’s work had magical undertones even before he realised that was what he was actually doing. It was only after studying the work of Alan Moore and Robert Anton Wilson, amongst others, that he realised this and the power art and magic can have when practiced thoughtfully and with intention.
As an artist, Adam has been involved in several collaborations which have included spending 12 hours in a lift dressed as a Pookah alongside several other ‘Pookahs’ for a performance with art collective AAS. He has played the part of an astronaut in a film about the doomed Columbia mission and impersonated art critic Matthew Collings in a strange performance held at a curry house in East London. Adam also exhibited artwork alongside Bob and Roberta Smith at this show.
Happy to let life take him in whatever direction seems best at the time, Adam also became the first roller derby bench coach for Coffs Coast Derby Dolls having also designed their team logo and come up with their team name ‘Daughters of Mayhem’.
After attending the finale of the Cosmic Trigger Play in London, Adam has since been spiralling down the rabbit hole of various synchronicities associated with having been to that show. This basically explains how he has ended up ‘finding the others’ here at Festival 23!
Adam’s YouTube channel
Bello Moon Tribe